How Well Do You Know Ariana Grande?
Test your Ariana Grande trivia knowledge by taking this blam Ariana Grande quiz! How well do you know Ariana Grande? We're about to find out...
We all know her, we all love her... it's pop star, actor, influencer and animal lover Ariana Grande! Find out if you're her number one fan with this pop- have to know all about her music, her life and her hobbies to get full marks on this one!
Are you Ariana Grande's biggest fan? This quiz will tell reveal if you're an expert or not!
Let's get going, Grande fans!
Let's see how much you know about Ariana Grande!

Her family is... what?

What are Ariana's fans called?

What's her full name?

What does Ariana think about Halloween?
5/28 Which of these natural things does Ariana love most?

Fill in the blank: Ariana is ___.

When is Ariana's birthday?

Ariana Grande debuted on which Nickelodeon show?

Which show did she star in from 2013 to 2014?

By 2022, how many albums has Ariana Grande released?

What did Ariana call her first album before it was called Yours Truly?

What was Ariana's first No. 1 album?

Ariana actually has 9 pet dogs! Can you name just 3 of them?

Ariana's favourite colour is…

Ariana is terrified of heights, but loves rollercoasters. True or false?

What is Ariana's favourite type of film?

What record did Ariana Grande just break with her song, Thank U, Next?

What was the charity concert she did in Manchester called?

In which year was she born?

What is her star sign?

In which American state was she born?

She is allergic to cats. True or false?

What are Ariana Grande's fans called?

What was her favourite school subject?
25/28 Which of the following is her favourite board game?

What was the name of her character on the Nickelodeon comedy Victorious?

Who performed at the first-ever pop concert she attended?

What is the title of her 2019 album?

Oh dear! Were you too busy singing along to Ariana Grande's hits to pay full attention to the questions in the quiz. We think you can do better. Have another go – we believe in you!

Good try! You did pretty well and showed you know more about Ariana Grande than the average music fan. Not the score you wanted? Have another try!

Great work! You know loads about Ariana Grande don't you? Do you think you could have done even better? Why not have another go?

Wow! You're a total Ariana Grande boffin. The only way you could have scored more points if there were more questions – which you definitely would have answered correctly!