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F2 Freestyler Personality Quiz

Which F2 Freestyler Are You?

Are you like Jeremy Lynch or are you more of a Billy Wingrove on the football pitch? Find out now!

Play Quiz
Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024
1/12 A footballer kicking a ball

What's the first thing people notice about you?

2/12 Red football boots

What do you normally wear?

3/12 The F2 Freestylers
@thef2 | Instagram

How would you describe your personality?

4/12 A microphone

Pick a TV show

5/12 A blurred image of the F2 Freestylers
@TheF2 | Instagram

Which footballer do you admire the most?

6/12 A Beano football shirt

Which team are you most likely to choose during a game of FIFA?

7/12 F2 Freestylers standing back to back
F2 Freestylers

What are you most likely to say?

8/12 Whatsapp on a smartphone

Instagram Stories or Snapchat?


9/12 What's your ideal post-game snack?

10/12 A tiny cake

When's the best time to have a birthday?

11/12 A silhouette of a footballer

Which player do you think should be talked about more?

12/12 A football tackle

Pick a football skill!

Result: Jeremy Lynch
F2 Freestylers


Result: Billy Wingrove
F2 Freestylers

You are: Billy Wingrove!