How Are You Feeling Today Quiz?
Take this quiz and see where your moods at today and how to feel better
How are you feeling today? Anxious? Stressed? Totally chill? It's a pretty tough time and we've all been feeling it, so take this quiz and find out what you can do to feel better.

How hard was it to get out of bed today?

How does being on your phone make you feel?

Have you been outside today?

How easy is it to talk to your parents or guardian about how you feel?

Have you been gaming at all today?

How do you feel about watching the news?

Have you been eating healthily today?

How do you feel about your friends today?

Have you got any homework?

Do you keep a record of how you feel?

Do you think Covid and lockdown has affected your mood?

Do you think you could list three great things about yourself right now?

You sound a bit stressed
It looks like you might be having a bit of a hard time. Everything's pretty stressful at the moment, but the good news is by taking this quiz you've taken the first step to tackle it. Some other ways of tackling anxiety include; talking to a parent or someone else you trust about your worries, getting lots of fresh air and enjoying nature and staying away from screens - they can often make us feel more isolated and stressed than we think. You could even try some meditation, which has been scientifically proven to reduce anxiety. For more tips and advice, check out the Young Minds website, our mental health partner (Link at the top of the quiz). You've got this!

You're a bit wobbly
You're getting through everything, but it sounds a bit tough. Maybe take some time to get outside if you can, getting outdoors has been scientifically proven to help you feel better! And remember to talk to someone you trust about how you feel - often when we're anxious it can seem much bigger and scarier if you keep it to yourself. For more tips and advice, check out the Young Minds website, our mental health partner (Link at the top of the quiz).

You're ok
You're not on top of the world, but you could be doing worse. Make sure you look after yourself - drink water, talk about your stuff with someone you trust, and don't look at too many screens! For more tips and advice, check out the Young Minds website, our mental health partner (Link at the top of the quiz).

You're good!
Hey, looks like you're doing good! That's great! Maybe it's a good time to check in with friends and see how they're feeling - sometimes it can be hard to open up about these things, and it's always nice to have a friend who cares! Remember to keep checking in on your mental health to see how you feel. For more tips and advice, check out the Young Minds website, our mental health partner (Link at the top of the quiz).