What Shape Am I?
Are you a circle, or a total square? Find out here!
You've found out your Hogwarts house, you've found out who you are in Friends - but it's time to go back to basics now and learn what shape you are! Different shapes can actually reveal a lot about your personality, and you might be surprised at your result! So, what are you waiting for?

What's your favourite subject at school?

Pick a vegetable

Who's your favourite chart-topping artist?

Pick a cool mode of transport

Pick a non-Disney princess

Pick a dream holiday destination

Pick a snack for the cinema

You're in the Olympics! What's your sport?

It's Sunday! What are you getting done before school the next day?

Pick a spy gadget

You're a square! You're reliable and dependable, but maybe you should loosen up once in a while!

You're a circle! You're straightforward, but also maybe a bit of an enigma? You're also a social butterfly and can read people really well.

You're a triangle! You're strong, ambitious and confident, and you probably care a lot about appearances. You're a good leader!

You're a star! You're totally unique and a bit of a space cadet, and your outside-the-box thinking often saves the day!