Which Baseball Rule Would You Rewrite?
Do you think baseball is fun but rules can get in the way of a great game? Take this personality quiz to find out what you'd change!
Baseball might be one of the greatest games ever invented, but even the pros can’t deny it’s got a few head-scratching rules! Ever dreamt of stepping up to the plate and rewriting the rulebook? Take this quiz to find out which baseball rule you’d rewrite—because you’ve got game-changing ideas!

The bases are loaded, the pressure’s on, and you’re up to bat. What’s your plan?

What’s the most frustrating thing about baseball games?

If you were the Big Boss of Baseball, what’s the first thing you’d change?

How do you feel about the infield fly rule?

When it comes to pitchers, what’s your opinion?

You’re at the ballpark. What’s your snack of choice?

What’s the best part of baseball?

How do you feel about stealing bases?

What’s your take on instant replay reviews?

If baseball had a mascot to represent you, what would it be?

The Time Keeper!
You’d rewrite the rules to speed up the game! Whether it’s limiting pitch delays or cutting out long breaks, you’re all about fast-paced action.

The Tech Wizard!
Fairness is your priority, and you’d bring in more technology to make every call perfect. No more controversial umpire decisions on your watch!

The Detail Boss!
You appreciate the finer details of the game. Your rule changes would focus on making the strategy even better — like fixing extra innings or fine-tuning old rules

The Chaos Creator!
You’d turn baseball into the most unpredictable sport ever! From wild scoring options to fan involvement, your rewritten rules would bring pure, unfiltered fun!