Which Of The Mighty McClures Are You?
It’s a big family, but which of them have you got most in common with?
Each member of this amazing family is unique, even Ava and Alexis! They’ve all got the things they like and the things that they can’t stand! So which of them have you got the most in common with? Why not take this quiz and see for yourself?! You never know what might come out of it!

What colour is your favourite?

What would your dream job be?

If you had to be an animal for a day, which would it be?

It’s the morning, what do you do first?

What time do you normally go to sleep?

Your camera is broken but you need to make some content, what do you do?

What do you think is the most important thing?

The dog has gone missing, where do you look for them first?

What is a dream dinner for you?

Which pet would you like to have?

Awesome! You’ve got the most in common with Ava! What a great result! Ava is kind, caring and always willing to help out her family and those around her, a bit like you right?! You’re not the kind of person that would say no to someone that needed help, and neither would Ava! That doesn’t mean that you couldn’t be a little bit tidier, we all know how messy Ava can be!

Incredible! What a result! You’ve got the most in common with Alexis! Now in many ways Alexis is like their sister Ava, but they’re definitely 100% their own person! Just like you! You’re not the kind of person that can be put in a box and you’ve got your own amazing stories to tell, great stuff!

Nice! According to your answers, you’ve got the closest links with Jersey! Now they might be younger than the twins, but they’re not in their shadow, and they’ve got enough spirit to easily match them! Just like you, Jersey likes to have a good time and play around, and that isn’t a bad thing! Why not spend your time enjoying yourself? Seems fine to us!

Alright! So according to your results, you’ve got the most in common with Justin! Now that might seem odd, because he’s a grown man, but he’s got a keen sense for business! Just like you, you’ll do whatever it takes to succeed, and if that means making loads of videos, about every little thing, then so be it! According to your answers, you’re also the kind of person that enjoys making content, but maybe it’s time to channel a bit more fun into your content? Justin doesn’t have all the answers after all!