Which President's Favorite Hobby Matches Yours?
Do you share hobbies with a President? Did George W Bush play Fortnite? Let’s see!
Beneath the flags and suits, Presidents are human beings, and humans often have hobbies! So why not jump into this quiz and see which of the famous American President’s hobbies match up with you!? You might learn something along the way, and who knows, you might find you've got enough in common to run for President yourself!

What time do you go to bed at night?

You’re late to a conference of world leaders, what is your excuse?

If you HAD to have an allergy, what would it be?

What genre of music from this list gets you going in the morning?

A cat is asleep on some important documents, what do you do?

Which sport do you like the most?

It’s raining outside, what do you do?

Where do you sleep best?

Which vegetable do you feel most like today?

You’ve got a really difficult decision to make, who do you ask for advice?

John F Kennedy!
John F Kennedy was the President of the United States from 1961 and when he wasn’t running the country and trying to stay on top of the world, he really enjoyed sports. His favourite sport was baseball, and he watched it whenever he could if he had free time and that’s a little bit like you! Life is busy of course, but whenever you get a chance to unwind and enjoy a good run around, you’re the kind of person that would jump, leap and dive at the chance!

John Quincy Adams!
John was the sixth President of the United States way back in 1825! He spent a lot of his earlier life in Europe, and was able to speak lots of different languages, before he became President he used to work as a lawyer. He liked to stay fit and exercise, even while he was in the White House, and as well as reading lots he also really enjoyed swimming, IN THE NUDE! You’ve probably gotten this answer because you’re the kind of person that doesn’t care too much about the rules - if you were the President you’d do things your way, that’s for sure!

Theodore Roosevelt!
Theodore was one of the most active of all the Presidents! Although he was often sick when he was younger, as he grew up he got really into sports and exercise! He used to lift weights, and trained in Jiu Jitsu , but when he wasn’t doing that - or running the country - he loved studying birds! You’ve probably gotten this result because you love life and everything that it has to offer, which is pretty cool! Maybe you’d like to be the President too one day?

Calvin Coolidge - napping!
Nice! So you’ve got the most in common with Calvin Coolidge! This President was a quiet type of person, but during his time as President in 1923 he oversaw big changes to the United States, that is of course when he wasn’t asleep. His favourite hobby was having a two hour long snooze in the middle of the day just after lunch! So the next time someone says you’re being sleepy, remind them that you’re just doing a classic Coolidge!