Am I Left Handed or Right Handed? Take This Quiz!
Take this highly scientific trivia quiz and we'll see if we can guess what hand you write with! The answer may shock and confuse you!
Some people think that being left or right handed has a big effect on your personality - with lefties being more creative, artistic and introverted. Righties are meant to be more work-focussed and confident.
Now - science actually says that this is NOT true, and the facts are a lot more complicated. But we're not gonna let that get in the way of a good quiz!
So read on and let's see if we can correctly guess if you're right or left handed with this extra daft personality quiz!

What's your favourite subject at school?

What's in your pocket right now?

What kind of music do you like?

What shoe do you put on first?

What's for dinner?

You wandered lonely as a.... what?

How much do you like karaoke?

Pick one:

Someone is a bit rude to you in a shop. What do you do?

Your handwriting is... what?

You're left-handed!
Some people say that lefties are more arty, creative - and be quieter and more introverted too! And our quiz is saying that you are more in this direction! So are we right? Are you left-handed? Artistic? If not don't worry - the whole left/right thing is a bit silly anyway! Now, fancy trying another quiz? We have lots more - no matter what hand you prefer using!

You're right handed!
OK! So legend has it that you're focussed, attentive and good at knuckling down at all those right-handed things you do. Apparently that'd because you're a righty - but like we mentioned at the start the science probably doesn't back this up! Have we got it right? If not, let's get you onto another quiz - and fast!

You're Ambidextrous!
This means you can use EITHER right or left hands for things! You don't have a preference and can use both hands! Best of both worlds! This means you have features of right and left style people! Have we got this one right? Of course the whole left/right thing hasn't been proved by science, so it's all good! Now... try another quiz?

You do everything with your feet!
Now we have no idea why you're doing this - but your answers make us think you're just using your feet instead of your hands! Interesting! No idea what this means for your personality! Sorry! If you want to find out more about your personality, try this quiz again or have a go at a different one!