Cryptids and Mythical Creatures of North America Quiz
North America is full of strange creatures and legendary beasts! Take this quiz and find out how much you know!
Looking for a creature feature? You've found it! This quiz is all about testing your knowledge of cryptids - the weird, monstrous animals that syupposedly live in the darkest corners of North America! So read on and let's find out how much you know about Bigfoot, Chupacabra, and plenty more!
Ready? Sure? Let's go then!

What’s the name of the big, hairy ape-like creature people say hangs out in the forests of the Pacific Northwest?

Which spooky creature from Mexico and the South of the USA is famous for drinking the blood of farm animals, especially goats?

The Jersey Devil is from Florida. True or false?

Which creature is called “America’s Loch Ness Monster”?

In Native American legends, where does the Wendigo live?

The Thunderbird is said to have a wingspan as big as a:

What’s the name of the werewolf-like creature that supposedly prowls the swamps of Louisiana?

Where is the Mothman most famous?

Which of these is said to bring bad luck if you see it before a disaster?

What do people call the huge snake-like creature that lives in Canadian lakes?

Oh no! The cryptids got the better of you! Unlucky! You should have another go at this quiz - and fast! The more youknow about these strange creatures the better! Onec you'e had another go at this one, we can move on to a different creature feature! Good luck!

Pretty good! You know loads about the monsters and mythical beasts of North America! Good work! You dodn't quite get a high score - do you know which questions you got wrong? Let's have another go and see if you can score higher next time!

Wow! This is a top score! You nailed this quiz! You almost got 10/10 - so you clearly know a lot about the monsters and cryptids of North America! Do you know which questions you got wrong? Let's try a different quiz and see if you can scor even higher next time!

Amazing! You know loads about the monsters and cryptids of North America! You got every single question right! Well done! This incredible score can't be beat - but can you match it on another monstrous trivia quiz? Have a go and let's find out!