Don't Bottle This Ultimate Fiago Quiz!
Can you hit the back of the net with this epic Fiago quiz? Test your Youtuber knowledge with this skillful sporty quiz!
He's a super-talented Youtuber with a knack for explaining the ins-and-outs of the world's favourite sport. But whether it's his videos on the latest gossip, his predications for the next big tournament or even what team has the best fans, you'll find a lot of a facts to test yourself on it this fantastic Fiago quiz!
Ready to get started? Let's goooo!

Ok, let's start off easy! What sport is Fiago most into?

Whereabouts is Fiago from?

Who is he meeting in this pic?

What league does Fiago think is the best?

According to his Youtube bio... what does Fiago do?

Guess the title of this video!

What kind of football memorabilia does he collect?

What football team does he support?

What fantasy football card game does he play?

What does he think of basketball?

Bah! Too bad! This was a tricky one! Unlucky. Your Fiago skills need to be improved - do you know where you went wrong on this quiz? Have another go, and quick - before you get relegated!

Not bad! Not bad at all! You clearly know a lot about Fiago and the beautiful game! You didn't quite manage a high score though - do you know where you went wrong? Have another go and see if you can improve on this score!

Wahoo! You're a Fiago super fan! Well done! You know loads about this talented football youtuber! You didn't quite get 100% on this quiz which is a bit of a shame - but no worries! Can you beat this near-perfect score on a different quiz? Let's find out!

Amazing! You really know your Fiago facts! Well done - this is a perfect score! You're unbeatable! Can you make it a hat trick on footy quizzes? Try another one - we have loads more!