Could You Survive Without TikTok?
Discover if you’d be able to handle a world without TikTok – are you are a survivor or a scroller?
TikTok – it's the app that’s got us glued to our screens and scrolling for hours. And hours. And hours! But could you survive if TikTok disappeared tomorrow? Would you thrive, crumble, or find another way to entertain yourself? Take this quiz to find out just how TikTok-dependent you really are!

TikTok suddenly stops working! What’s your first reaction?

How much time do you spend on TikTok every day?

What’s your favourite thing about TikTok?

A friend shares a TikTok video link with you. You:

TikTok trends start disappearing from the internet. What do you do?

What do you do during your free time?

A world without TikTok would be...

How often do you take part in TikTok trends?

What’s your relationship with TikTok influencers?

TikTok bans all memes and dances. What do you do?

Could You Survive Without TikTok? Nope!
You’re absolutely glued to TikTok! Without it, you’d struggle to find something else to fill your time. But hey, maybe a break wouldn’t hurt?

Could You Survive Without TikTok? Maybe!
You love TikTok but could survive without it… eventually. It’d be tough, but you’d find another way to keep up with the trends.

Could You Survive Without TikTok? In time!
TikTok’s fun, but it’s not your whole life. If it disappeared, you’d barely blink – there’s always something else to do.

Could You Survive Without TikTok? Yes!
You could totally survive without TikTok – in fact, you probably already are. You’re all about living life offline, and that’s pretty impressive!