urmomsushi YouTube Quiz
If you like cute fashion vids and very AESTETHIC vlogs then urmomsushi is the Youtuber for you! Find out how much you know about her with this epic quiz!
If you like cute stuff, style ideas and organising your storage REALLY well - then you probably already know about urmomsushi. If so - we're expecting you to get a perfect 10/10 on this epic quiz all about our favourite Youtuber - urmomsushi!
Reckon you can do it? Let's get quizzing!

What kind of videos does urmomsushi make?

She makes videos about... what?

Her room is mostly.... what colour?

Which of these things does she like most?

What's her actual name?

Where is she from?

Where is her ideal holiday destination?

What type of music does she prefer?

Why did she start her channel?

Which of these subjects is her favourite?

Bah! Unlucky! This score is not the best. Aria is not best pleased, but she'll get over this disappointment. So what do you want to do next? Have another go? Or cut your losses and move on to a different quiz? We have lots more where this one came from!

Good job! This is a solid result! You know a lot about urmomsushi, but haven't quite managed to get a high score. Do you knwo where you went wrong? You can have another go and try and do a bit better next time, or you can try a different quiz! We have loads more!

Very nice! Aria is impressed with this score! You only got one or two answers wrong... that's an amazing result! You clearly are a big fan of hers! Now, do you thnk you can beat this score on a different Youtuber quiz? There's only one way to find out! More quizzes!

Amazing! You are an expert on urmomsushi! You know everything there is to know! Great work - this is a perfect score! What are you going to do now? Watch more of her videos? Or try another amazing Youtuber quiz? Up to you, champ!