Bullying is Uncool
This Is Anti-Bullying Week
I'm Dennis and I've been bullied. So have all my pals, but we got through it together. I'll be here every day this week to tell you my secret tips to make bullies bog off!

1. Take The Bully Test - Answer This Question
Bullies are: a. Not coolb. Not friendlyc. Not populard. Not respectede. Not welcome, anywheref. ALL OF THE ABOVE HINT! I know the answer - check out my pic.

2 - Don't Become A Bully
Bullying is when someone hurts another person on purpose. It can be done to one person or a to a group.It can be done through physical violence, words or ganging up. It can happen face-to-face, by phone or online. If YOU never become a bully, then that's one less bully in the world.

3 - Never Hit Back
Dad told me to laugh my way out of trouble by sharing Beano with my bully. Instead, I rolled it up and used it to bash him back! That was a bad idea.Never retaliate – you’ll only get hurt or into trouble. I should know...

4 - Bullying Is Never Your Fault
Being bullied is NEVER your fault, no matter what the bully says. I always say nothing's my fault, so I'm ahead of the curve on this one...Gnasher, if you're thinking about gnashing that bully's bottom, remember - never bite back!

5 - Tell Someone As Soon As You Can
Keep a diary of when any bullying happens. This will make you feel more confident about reporting it to someone. The best way to stop it happening is to tell a trusted person, like a friend, parent or teacher. Remember this isn’t telling tales – bullies need to stop for their own good too!

6 - Different Is Brilliant
Everyone in Beanotown is different, that's what makes it such an awesome place.f you see someone being bullied because they're different, stick up for them or at least make sure they know that YOU think they're cool.Imagine how rubbish things would be if everyone was just like the bullies!

7 - Always Be Nice... To Everyone
Being epic to yourself and everyone else is the best way to create a bully-free zone. Treat other people the way you would like to be treated by them.Kindness is the best way to beat bullying!

8 - Promise To Beat Bullies Forever
If everyone made and kept these simple promises, bullying could vanish forever!Repeat after me:1. I will not bully others2. I will try to help those I see being bullied3. I will include people who are left out4. I will tell a grown-up if I know someone is being bullied