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How to Draw 5 More Villains from Star Wars

Here are some more quick and easy hacks for drawing those Star Wars rogues everyone loves to hate!

How to Draw 5 More Villains from Star Wars

Here are some more quick and easy hacks for drawing those Star Wars rogues everyone loves to hate!

Beano Video Team
Last Updated:  July 1st 2021

Want to draw Star Wars Villains but think they're too tricky? 

Well, here are the tricks - draw a smelly slug with eyes and you have yourself a Jabba the Hutt! 

Darth maul has a the same face as your gran's carpet and BB-9E is just a bunch of circles! 

General Grevious is a little harder but it's all in those big pointy ears! 

Oh, and Greedo is just a spiky lime with adorable eyes!

Here's a closer look!

  • Jabba Drawing
  • BB-9E drawing
  • General Grevious drawing
  • Darth Maul drawing
Vampire Chair

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