Make Things Better with a Sweater on Christmas Jumper Day!
Find out how you have help Save the Children on December 8!

December 8 is Christmas Jumper Day. It’s a chance for millions of people around the country to dig out an old festive jumper and make the world better with a sweater, by helping raise money for Save the Children.
You don’t have to buy a brand new Christmas jumper to take part – far from it – as you could wear your old one from last year, or maybe you could look for one in a Save the Children charity shop!
Can’t get to a charity shop or simply feeling creative? You could make your own for the day by using some tinsel, baubles or festive stickers you might find lying around the house at this time of year. The only limit is your imagination!
This fun day is all about reusing old clothes and getting the most out of what you already – or someone else –has worn. It’s good for the environment and easy on your grown-ups’ pocket, too!

To participate, just dress up in your old Christmas jumper or one you’ve created especially and donate £2 to Save the Children. Not only that, the UK government has promised to match your donation to Save the Children too. The money raised will go towards helping mums and babies in Kenya, so what’s not to love about Christmas Jumper Day?
So the theme for this year’s Christmas Jumper Day is doubling up!
There’s all sorts of fun ways you can wear your Christmas jumper and double up. You could put both of your arms in the same sleeve! Or you could wear two jumpers if you have an extra sweater. How about you and a friend squeeze into the same jumper and walk around like an extremely festive two-headed, four-armed Christmas elf.
It’s totally up to Yule!
For more information, visit the Save the Children official website.