Beano Superstars – Toots
Learn all about Toots, one of the Bash Street Kids, the legendary Class 2B of Bash Street School in Beano

My real name is Kate, but you can call me Toots. My nickname used to annoy me but now I just think ‘whatevs!’ – it’s part of who I am. Besides, I can tell instantly if people say my nickname in a nice or cruel way.
I love my friends Mandi, Minnie, Rubi and JJ and will always look out for them. That’s what friends do, isn’t it? I’ll do anything to protect them and will always stand up for people, especially if I think they might be being picked on. Bullies are rubbish.
Now, not a lot of people know this, but the bow in my hair can be used as a makeshift catapult. It’s the extra-strong elastic, you see. I could knock a can off the wall of Bash Street School from 50 metres if I wanted, but Cuthbert would probably go and tell the teachers. He’s always doing that.
I’m in Class 2B at Bash Street School and we’re a bit of a famous gang in Beanotown. Danny Murphy likes to think he’s the leader of the Bash Street Kids – and a bit of a pirate – but we all know it’s me. If you didn’t realise that, you do now! You’re welcome. Come and see me if you need any help with anything. I’ll always be happy to help.
I live on the top floor of the Bash Street flats with my mum and dad – Andrew and Sarah – my twin brother Sidney, and our dog Peeps. I was born first, which makes me the best. It’s just scientific fact!
Even though I’m twin, I make sure that people realise I’m my own person. And if people think I can’t do certain things because I’m a girl, then they’re just being silly. Balance a can on the school wall and stand back!
Keep on reading if you want to know anything else. I’m off to have some adventures with my friends…
Toots Fact File
Name: Kate Pye. Toots to her friends.
Age: 9
Best friend: Sidney, her twin brother
Worst enemy: Also Sidney, her twin brother
Prized possession: Her bike, it’s a custom BMX
Motto: ‘I’m in charge!’
Super skill: Toots is AMAZING at football, much better than the rest of Class 2B, and she loves street dancing
Family: Mum, Dad and twin brother Sidney
Address: The very top floor of Bash Street Towers
Fact: Toots is older than Sidney by a whole three minutes!