Fantasy Creatures in Everyday Life Jokes
These fantasy creature jokes will add some magic to the mundane! Check them out, have a giggle and share them with your friends they're fantasy-fantastic!
These jokes about fantasy creatures are out of this world! If you want to make your dull day a bit more fantastic, fear not - we've got you covered! When it comes to fantasy creatures, we've got them all - goblins, trolls, dragons and fairies! So sprinkle some magic dust into your day with these silly puns! And if you liked these, how about some unicorn jokes? Or how about these Lord of the Rings Jokes that rule them all? or perhaps your ready for some fangtastic vampire jokes? And if you're still in need of more laughs, we've got hundreds more jokes on our main jokes hub!
What sort of pictures do elves take?
What do monsters eat for breakfast?
Unicorn flakes!
Where do mummies go on holiday?
The Dead Sea!
What do vegetarian zombies eat?
What do fairies drink?
Why are Vampires bad at art?
They can only draw blood!
What's big, green, and always gets great marks at school?
An ogre-achiever!
What sort of magic creature do you find in the kitchen?
A hob goblin!
What detergent do mermaids use?
Where do mermaids keep their money?
In a river bank!
What do you call an elf who works for himself?
Elf employed!
What do you call a fantasy creature that eats too much junk food?
A bad Hobbit!
Why are Hobbits so bad at boxing?
They always try to destroy the ring!
What do dragon architects make?
Scale models!
What sort of comedy do fauns like?
Where do centaurs buy their clothes?
What's a dragon's favourite fancy meal?
Flaming yawn!
What smells and collects money at bridges?
A trollbooth!
What does Nessie order at the chippie?
Fish and ships!
What do you call a gnome who lives in the city?
A metronome!