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How To Draw a Crystal Skull

No visit to the Rancid Ruins would be complete without a bejeweled bonce - learn how to draw one here! Check it out quick, before some dodgy archaeologist steals it!

Beano Team
Last Updated:  July 19th 2021

Do you like winning prizes? No? Well how's about drawing crystal skulls then? Thought so! Right, pick up some pens and have a go at this jewel-encrusted nut!

You will need:

  • Art supplies. Whatever you fancy, but some bright colours would be good for this one.

Step 1

Draw a nice smooth dome. Like so!

Step 2

Now draw some cheekbones.

Step 3

Complete the outline of your head by drawing the teethy bit. This is where the teeth will go (technically this is the "upper jaw", but "teethy bit" is fine).

Step 4

Get those eye holes in. It ain't a skull without eye holes.

Step 5

Add the nose hole and teeth. It's starting to look like a skull now!

Step 6

Start adding the crystals, because without these it'd just be a plain ol' skull.

Step 7

Make those crystals 3D!

Step 8

Now make the whole skull 3D! We're looking for lots of shiny corners on this noggin!

Step 9

Fill in that diamond skull effect! Colouring in lots of triangles is a good way to do this - just make sure you leave some white bits so it looks shiny. This one is blue because it's a diamond skull, but red and white would work as a ruby skull too. Or green for an emerald one!

Step 10

Now add some sparkles and extra bits as decoration - whatever you fancy. Just look at that loaf!

You could even combine this skull with the snake from last week to create a really spooky scene!