What Cute Animal Are You?
Wondering what cute animal you are? We've all spent absolutely ages wondering which cute animal we're most like. Take the quiz and get a definitive answer!
There's only one way to find out... QUIZ!

In your opinion, what's the best day of the week?

Originals | Giphy
What's your favourite lesson at school?

What's your favourite item of clothing?

Zoolander | Producers: Scott Rudin, Ben Stiller, Stuart Cornfeld | Director: Ben Stiller | Paramount Pictures
Someone's taking a photo. What face do you make?

Pick something for lunch!

How did you celebrate your most recent birthday?
7/10 Which film character is a hero to you?

What do you like looking at most on the internet?

What nickname do you wish you had?

Disney | Lucasfilm
You're in a park. What do you want to do more than anything else?

You are a: FOX!
You're like the best bits of dogs and cats combined, although you have a habit of going through people's bins at night.

You are a: PIGLET!
What's the worst thing about a piglet? We can't think of anything, actually. Just try not to roll around in the mud before going in for your dinner.

You are a: PUPPY!
Who's a good dog? Is it you? It is. You're the good dog. But stop chewing our shoes, mate.

You are a: MORAY EEL!
What? There's been a terrible mistake. Perhaps the quiz is broken... or you really are a grumpy eel!