How Much Do You Know About the LOTR Movies?
Do you know your Orcs from your Ents? Test yourself with this epic LOTR movie quiz!

What was Gollum's name before it was Gollum?

What's the special Elf bread Frodo and Samwise eat on their way to Mount Doom?

Which of these is NOT a real city in Middle Earth:

Which hobbit does Samwise fancy back in the Shire?

How many Ringwraiths are there?

What's special about Mithril?

Where did the Balrog fight Gandalf?

What are the giant talking tree things called?

Boromir is Faramir's what?

A Mumakil is a creature that looks like a giant version of what animal?

How does Gandalf hurt himself when he visits Frodo at the start of the first movie?

Curses! What dark magic is this? Try another quiz!

Hmmm, not bad little Hobbit. You can do better though - now get back up Mount Doom!

Well done, little Hobbit! A fine score!

Incredible work, young Hobbit! Gandalf is most pleased!