Which Gryffindor Character Are You?
Are you more like Harry Potter or Hermione Granger? Take the quiz and find out!
Let's find out, shall we?

Who's your best friend?

What subject do you most look forward to?

What's your Patronus?

Which teacher are you scared of?

What words would you use to describe yourself?

What mood are you in right now?

What music do you like to listen to?

What food do you love having for lunch?

Do you play Quidditch?

What's your favourite spell?

You are: Harry Potter!
You're the boy who lived and a bit of a wizarding legend. We think someone should write stories and make films about your adventures.

You are: Ron Weasley!
You're Hogwart's biggest sweetheart, although we're not that keen on your driving skills.

You are: Professor McGonagall!
You're a wizard teacher who always seems a bit cross, but you're quite nice really!

You are: Hermione Granger!
If we're ever struggling with our homework, you're the first person we'd think of. You're also a bit of a bossy boots!