Which Uncommon Potion Are You Most Likely to Brew?
Potions are a big part of the Wizarding World, but which is right for you?
There are so many different potions out there, each with their own powers and effects - but there are some that not many people have ever heard of! So as we dig deep into the magical textbooks, which of the lesser known potions would you pick!? Let’s find out! Your mixing bench awaits!

What is your favourite subject?

When do you wake up in the morning?

What house are you in?

What do you like to eat for breakfast?

You’ve lost your wand, where might it be?

It’s Dumbledore’s birthday, what do you get them?

An owl has stolen your scarf, how do you get it back?

The Ministry of Magic has come to arrest Harry, how do you stop them?

You’ve broken your broom, what do you use instead?

It’s getting cold, what do you take out with you?

Babbling Beverage!
Nice! This special potion is designed specifically to make whoever drinks it start talking nonsense! This is very useful when you’re trying to get someone to not blurt out a secret! They’ll be talking so many random words that the truth will be lost completely! This rare potion is also perfect for someone like you because normally you pick your words very carefully - and sometimes it’s great to let loose!

Erumpent Potion!
Oooh! Careful! You’ve got most in common with the Erumpent Potion! This volatile potion is very dangerous, and explodes if something touches it! A bit like you, this potion sometimes bursts into life without you expecting it, which can sometimes surprise everyone around! You’re the kind of person that stays chill, until things need to change and then BOOM! What a great result, just be cautious!

Exstimulo Potion!
Nice! This is a truly epic potion with powers to really beef up the spell power of whoever takes it! You’ve probably gotten this result because you like to build up the people around you and get the most out of them! You’re like Extimulo but in human form! That’s probably why people like to be around you, because you get the most out of everyone - what an amazing result!

Forgetful Potion!
Huh?! What was that? Oh, it looks like the best potion for you would be the Forgetful Potion, this mixture has an amazing ability to make whoever takes it instantly forget what has just happened. You’ve probably gotten this result because remembering the little things isn’t your biggest skill! That doesn’t mean you forget the big things, like how to breathe or open doors, but stuff like birthdays and where you left your wand are a bit trickier! Uh oh!