Which Home Alone Song Are You?
Main theme? The song of the Pigeon Lady? Find out which song from the Home Alone soundtrack is most like you in this ridiculous Christmas quiz!
The soundtrack to the Home Alone movie was made by John Williams - the same guy who made the music for Star Wars, Jurassic Park and Harry Potter! But which track off the Home Alone soundtrack is most like you? Take this Christmassy music quiz and we'll tell you!

Pick a noise:

Which of these movies has the best theme tune?

Now pick a sound effect:

What's your favourite bit in Home Alone 1 or 2?

The best thing about Christmas is... what?

Pick a Christmas movie that ISN'T Home Alone:

What booby trap would you invent?

Pick a character from Home Alone:

Where would you rather spend Christmas?

OK! Imagine you're Marv. Which of these things do think is most likely a booby trap?

You're the Theme from Home Alone!
You're the main theme! Great choice - it's the ultimate Christmas movie banger! Perfect for someone like you who loves Home Alone, Christmas and all the trimmings! Have we got this one right? If we have - then let's try another quiz! If not, then you'd better have another go!

You're "Follow That Kid!"
You're one of John Williams' faster-paced songs from the movie! This is the soundtrack to the chase scene, and is one of the best parts of the movie! You love Christmas action movies, so this is the perfect track for you! Not sure about this result? Don't worry - just take this quiz again!

You're "Appearance of Pigeon Lady" from Home Alone 2!
You're another classic Home Alone song, this time off Home Alone 2! This is the song that plays when the pigeon lady turns up, so it's a fun and surprisingly wholesome song that makes you think of new friends. And pigeons. Have we got this one right? If we have - then let's try another quiz! If not, then you'd better have another go!

You're "Kevin's Booby Traps" from Home Alone 2!
You're another John Williams banger - this time from the scene in the 2nd movie where the bad guys end up in Kevin's booby traps. Again! This is a really funny sounding one with lots of tuba and low bassy wind noises. It's perfect with the sound of clattering and howling over the top! Not sure about this result? Don't worry - just take this quiz again!