Would You Forget Kevin?
How could Kevin’s family forget him? Repeatedly it seems! But would you!!??
Kevin’s journey of crime-busting adventure starts with a simple, but surprising mistake by his family! They leave him Home Alone, and all sorts of wildness breaks out - but do you think you’ve got a better memory than them? Have you got the brains to remember simple things like, ‘where your child is?’ Let’s put it to the test!

How often do you forget to set the alarm?

What are you known by your friends for?

You see a cute dog, what do you do?

How often do you change your underwear?

What is your favourite subject at school?

Which of these fruits sums up your day the most?

You’ve lost your keys, how do you get into your house?

There is a bird in a tree, what do you think of first?

What time do you wake up in the morning?

What is your most prized possession?

No, never, not in a million years!
Nice! You’re just not the kind of person that forgets stuff like that, you’ve got your head screwed on and you know exactly what’s up! There’s not much that slips past you, and you definitely wouldn’t forget if a member of your family was left at home when you went away, sure you might forget your keys sometimes, but that’s really not the same thing!

Maybe you’d forget Kevin!
Okay, we all have our moments - when distraction hits like a big shiny brick! The world is full of ‘oooh - look at that!’ moments. 50% of the time you’re able to keep your mind on the task at hand, but it’s not always that easy! Fingers crossed when it comes down to it, you’ll remember the important stuff, but we’re not making any promises!

Yes, you’d forget Kevin!
Oh dear! While you’re very good at remembering the ordinary things, like brushing your teeth or breathing - when it comes to important things like birthdays, homework or where your younger sibling is, things get a bit tougher! According to your quiz answers, you’re the kind of person that could get lost in a map shop. Maybe it’s best to let other people handle the life-critical stuff? Or maybe you could get a diary to jot down the important bits?

Who is Kevin?
You could forget anything, you’ve got a memory like a, what are those things called again? Anyway - you’re a very forgetful person, sure, you’re always losing your keys, and sometimes forgetting your left from your right - but sometimes you forget the big stuff! We can only recommend a diary to help you, or maybe a personal assistant? Of course you might forget this advice…