Can You Beat This Tricky Friends Season 5 Quiz?
It's time for the Season 5 trivia quiz! Are you totally knowledgeable at the fifth season of Friends - or do you need to watch it again?
Fun fact - season 5 of Friends is often rated people's favourite! Is it yours? Either way, as a huge Friends fan you're sure to be totally on top of all this trivia! See if you're a total genius when it comes to the fifth season - can you get a perfect score? Don't forget to try out our Season 1 quiz, or really challenge yourself and see if you can name all these Friends locationshttps://www.beano.com/posts/friends-geography-quiz!

What year did the season first broadcast?

Why does Ross bail on his wedding?

How many babies does Phoebe have?

What country does Rachel visit alone?

When Phoebe can't go to London, where do the rest of the gang plan a trip to?

What does Joey find that makes him realise Chandler and Monica are dating?

Which Friend does Janice date this season?

What is Rachel's New Year's Resolution?

What does Rachel name her cat?

Where do the gang go in the last two episodes?

Uh oh - you have a lot to learn about the Friends! Don't worry, you can have another go!

Good - you know your Friends trivia! Why not have another go and see if you can bring your score up?

GOOD - you know your Friends trivia! We bet you can get a perfect 10 though - why not try again and see?

PERFECT - you're a Friends trivia champion! Well done!