Epic Howl's Moving Castle Quiz!
How much do you know about this smashing Studio Ghibli movie? You'll need all your anime skills to get 100% on this magic movie quiz!
How many times have you watched this Studio Ghibli classic? Do you remember the difference between your steam-powered castles and your vegetable-headed scarecrows? You'd better hope so! Ready to test yourself? Then crack on with this Moving Castle quiz!

What does Sophie's mum sell?

The scarecrow is called... what?

What kind of demon is Calcifer?

Who drains the Witch of the Waste of her power?

Is Wizard Pendragon a real dragon?

Why does Howl make up rumours about himself?

What colour on the portal leads to the secret garden?

Howl's Moving Castle was a book before it was a movie. True or false?

Which of these is NOT a place in Ingary?

Howl's Castle is...

Ouch! Uh oh... your Howl's Moving Castle skills need a serious brush up! At least this is an excuse to watch it again! In the meantime, an you get a higher sore on a different movie quiz?

Could be worse! But, well - it could be better too. Do you know where you went wrong? Try another quiz and see if you can get a higher score than this one!

Very good! You know LOADS about this movie! How many times have you watched Howl's Moving Castle, again? You just missed out on the top spot though - can you beat this score on a different movie quiz?

Amazing! You've really been paying attention! 10/10 - Great work! Now, can you follow up this high score with another? Try a different anime or movie quiz and find out!