Madame Web Quiz
Will you be able to spin a perfect 10 from this Madame Web quiz? Find out now by testing your trivia on the newest Marvel movie and its characters!
Are you ready for Madame Web? Let's find out with this Madame Web trivia quiz! See how much you know about this brand new movie and its characters. Like this? We've got loads more Marvel quizzes right here! How about this awesome Marvels quiz? Or maybe you think you can take on this Ant Man and the Wasp quiz? And you might even be up for this quiz that will tell you which Infinity Stone you are!

Who plays Madame Webb?

Which universe is Madame Webb part of?

What's the characters real name?

What is her power?

What year is the film set in?

Which country does Cassie travel to?

Who does Adam Scott play?

What's the name of Sydney Sweeney's character?

Will there be a sequel?

What happens to Madame Web in the end?

Bad luck! You've gotten stuck in the web with this one, because you got 0/10! Have another go and see if you remember Madam Web better next time!

Try again! You don't remember this film well enough to get a good score, but we KNOW you can do it next time!

Well done! We can tell you loved this movie, because you scored high! But are you ready to get 100% next time?

Incredible! You're truly the best at everything Madam Web related! Congrats!