Tell Us Your Favourite Mario Character And We'll Tell You What Your Favourite Ada Twist, Scientist Character Is
Not sure who your favourite character from Ada Twist is? Don't worry - just pick some Mario characters and we'll tell you!
Here's another unlikely crossover character quiz - this one is especially for fans of the TV show Ada Twist Scientist. Oh, and anyone who's ever played Mario! All you have to do for this one is pick your favourite Mario characters, and our quiz machine will do the rest! You'll know your favourite Ada Twist Scientist character in no time!
Ready to try it? Let's go!

Choose a Mario hero!

Pick another one of these Mario characters:

Pick an evil Mario character:

Next up - choose a Mario powerup!

Now pick a character from Super Smash Bros:

Pick a Koopa:

Now pick a Goomba!

Now pick one of these:

Now pick a character that looks a bit like a rabbit-like thing:

And finally - let's choose a Donkey Kong character!

Your favourite is Ada Twist!
Your number one Ada Twist, Scientist character is Ada herself... it's got to be! You're smart and funny, and love science! And what's more - you have great taste in Mario characters too! Who would've thought it! Think we've got this one wrong? Bah! You'd better have another go at this quiz!

Your fave is Iggy Peck: Architect!
Your favourite Mario characters all say one thing - that your fave Ada Twist character is Iggy Peck, the architect! You love building stuff! You're also clearly a fan pof Mario too - so clearly a person of good taste! Not sure about this result? Have another go and see what you get next time!

Your fave is Rosie Revere: Engineer!
Well, you've picked your favourite Mario characters - and we can see that your favourite Ada Twist is the talented engineer, Rosie! Great choice! You love problem solving and thinking with that big ol' noodle of yours. Would you rather a different character? Have another go at this quiz and let's see what you get next time!

Your fave is Arthur Twist!
According to your favourite Mario characters, you're a big fan of Arthur Twist - Ada's older brother! He's loves tennis and isn't really science-y - but he loves hanging out with his sister and learning new things! Would you rather pick some other mario characters and see what you end up with next time? Let's have another go then!