Can You Master Our Name the Muppets Quiz?
Can you tell the difference between Beaker, Gonzo and Rizzo? How about in the dark? Or when it's raining? Test your Muppet skills with this ridiculous picture quiz!
Did you know that there are over 1000 Muppets? How many can you name? Everyone knows the most famous ones, but there are a lot that only appear every now and again for the big musical numbers. Do you think you'll be able to name these 10 famous furballs? We start off easy... but this quiz gets harder pretty quick!
Ready to see how your Muppet skills stack up? Let's find out!

Ok let's start off easy! Who is this stylish Muppet?

And who is this famous cyclist?

And what are the names of this grumpy pair?

Who is this legendary Muppet drummer?

And this giant hairy Muppet?

And the name of this smartly-dressed rat?

And who is this mop-haired one with him?

And this loyal Muppet pooch?

Who's this poking their head around the door?

What's the chef called?

Too bad! This is a tough score! You didn't manage to name that many Muppets! You should go through the Muppets back catalog and have another go at this quiz! Better luck next time! We have lots of other quizzes if you'd rather try a different one!

Not bad! Pretty good in fact! You did great! Well as grumpy as Statler here looks, you did manage to correctly name qute a few Muppets. Do you want to have another go and see if you can score even higher next time? We have lots of other quizzes if not!

Well done! This is a really impressive score - you got ALMOST every single one right! Only one or two Muppets managed to sneak past you! And there are a lot of Muppets, so congratulations! Do you think you can beat this score on a different Muppets quiz?

GASP! Amazing! You know every Muppet that there ever was! Miss Piggy is really impressed with this score! It can't be beat, in fact! So what are you going to do now that you've smashed this quiz? Let's see if you can match this 10/10 on a different quiz!