Shrek 3 Quiz
How much do you know about the third Shrek movie? Click here to find out with this fantastic fairytale film quiz!
It's the third movie in the Shrek series... and is it the best one yet? If you think so then you should read on and test your knowledge of this epic fairytale movie! Read on to find out if you're a Shrek 3 expert! We've got all the questions you need!
Ready to test that Shrek knowledge? Let's go!

Shrek 3 is also sometimes called... what?

Arthur and Lancelot go to which school?

Fergus, Farkle and... who?

Which of these is NOT villain in Shrek 3?

How many Dronkeys are there?

Who switch bodies?

The Poison Apple is a... what?

King Harold is a... what?

Cinderella's sisters are called Doris and... who?

Who does Artie have a crush on?

Oh no! Doris looks pretty disappointed with this score... and so she should! You need to watch Shrek 3 again and then come back to have another go at this quiz! Better luck next time, Shrek fan!

Pretty good! This is an alright score! It's not a high score, but it's not a low score either. You did good! Nice work! Fancu habong another go and seeing f you can score a bit higher? Or try your hand at a different movie quiz! We have loads more!

Wow! What a score! Donkey is very impressed! This is a great result - you clealry know a lot about Shrek 3! Well done! You didn't quite get 100%, but never mind. Fancy seeing if you can beat this score on a different movie quiz? Let's go!

Amazing! Fantastic! Full marks! You know everything there is to know about this amazing movie! Well done! Can you match this perfect score on a different movie quiz? There's only one way to find out! Take another one! Wahoo!