Which Star Wars: Ahsoka Character Are You?
Ahsoka is one of the biggest up and coming Star Wars characters, but what about the ones she shares a galaxy with?
There are so many Star Wars characters out there it's difficult to keep track of them all, but with the wonderful Ahsoka show we’ve got a whole load more on the way! So let’s dig deep and draw on the Force to find out which of them you’ve got most in common with! What are you waiting for?!!

What is your favourite colour?

What is your favourite skill in a Jedi?

Choose a Star Wars planet!

What kind of kitchenware do you like the most?

There is a droid blocking the way, what do you do?

Your Jedi master is asking you to do a bad thing, what do you do?

Your spaceship is crashing, what do you do?

What is your favourite way of travelling?

Who is your favourite villain?

You can hear a Sarlacc in the sand, what do you do?

Epic! You’ve got most in common with Ahsoka! What a blinding result! Ahsoka get’s things done, but not always how they’re meant to be done, they’re hard, they’re cool and they know their way around a lightsaber! What a result! Why not have a look at some of the other Star Wars quizzes we’ve got? You’re on a roll!

Great stuff! You’ve got most in common with Hera! They’re an excellent pilot and just like you they know how to succeed under pressure and don’t let anything get in their way! Hera is destined to go far, and just like you she’s got the patience and commitment to get there! Not only that, but Hera always knows what’s right, even if the people around her don’t always see it that way!

Wow! You’ve got most in common with Baylan! This might not be exactly the result you were after, but the Beano method doesn’t lie! Baylan is hungry for power and will do anything to get it. Baylan was once a Jedi, but just like you, knows the importance of doing things their way! Not that you’re an evil mega spooky lightsaber wielding villain…

Shin Hati!
Shin is Baylan’s apprentice and is a very mysterious character! A bit like you, they like to keep their secrets their own until the final moment - but they’ve got plenty of skills up their sleeves! Shin might be what is usually called a baddie of the world, but they’re cool as heck, so that’s something to like right? Maybe…