Ultimate Star Trek Trivia Quiz!
Are you ready to boldly go where no (well, some) quizzes have gone before? Then test your skills with the ULTIMATE Star Trek quiz!

Star Trek | NBC
What year did the very first Star Trek series go on the air?

Star Trek | NBC
In the pilot episode of Star Trek, who was the captain?

What are you supposed to say when you make the Vulcan salute?

Star Trek | NBC
What actor played the original character of Spock?

What was the name of Data's cat?

Star Trek | Paramount Domestic Television | CBS Television Distribution
What was Captain Jean Luc-Picard's catchphrase?

The Klingon home world is called Kronos - true or false?

Which of the following is NOT part of the Star Trek mission?

What is the name of real-life astronaut who made a guest appearance on Star Trek: The Next Generation?

Which actor appeared in an episode of Star Trek also appeared in Stanley Kubrick’s classic sci-fi film 2001: A Space Odyssey?

Star Trek | NBC
Amazing! You got a PERFECT score! You are without doubt a total Trekkie trivia titan! An incredible result - you could easily be captain of the Starship Enterprise. Good job!

Pretty good! While not a totally PERFECT score, you certainly know your Trekkie trivia. An impressive, intergalatic result, good job!

Star Trek | NBC
Not so hot! While not the worst score in the world it seems you may need to brush up on your Trekkie trivia! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

Star Trek | NBC
Oh dear! It seems you may need to brush up on your Trekkie trivia! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?