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What Should I Watch While I'm Stuck At Home?

What Should I Watch While I’m Stuck At Home?

Don't know what to stick on the telly? Take this quiz for some epic suggestions!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

How bored are you right now?


Which of these is more fun?

The Secret Life of Pets 2 | Producer: Janet Healy | Chris Renaud, Jonathan del Val | Universal Pictures

Pick a movie:

Spongebob Squarepants | Nickelodeon

Do you miss school?


Who do you watch TV with?


Pick one:


Pick a snack:


Do you prefer:

@kimmyschmidt via giphy

Pick a hobby:

An exciting movie!

Right ok, you're pretty bored! What you need is a movie with a big, epic storyline - something like Marvel, Harry Potter or Star Wars. You need explosions! Now!

A documentary!

You're missing school a bit, and kind of want to use your time at home to keep learning some cool facts about the world. Are you interested in space? Dinosaurs? The role of small dogs in French history? Whatever you're into there's probably a documentary about it. And if there isn't...well, David Attenborough is always good!

A TV show!

You want to watch something - but you can't concentrate for a whole movie! There's loads of things you could pick: cartoons like Spongebob or Beast Boy, comedies like Horrible Histories, or a gameshow you can watch with your family!

Youtube and Tik Tok!

Not in the mood for a film or TV show? Why not look up things to do on Youtube, like slime recipes, handicrafts or how-to videos. Or you could get on Tik Tok and practise your dancing and lip-syncing!