What’s Your Signature Poké Ball?
All Pokeballs have different abilities, but which suits you best?
Catching them all can be difficult, especially if you haven’t got the right Pokeball for the job! So if you've ever wondered which of the many types is best suited for you, then look no further - we’ve got you covered! So let’s jump into this quiz and see if you’re a Masterball or just a plain old classic! The answer might surprise you!

Which Pokemon type do you like the most?

What is your favourite colour?

Which instrument do you like the most?

There is a Snorlax blocking the path - what do you do?

Which time in history would you like to travel to?

How big do you feel today?

The mist is coming in and it’s becoming difficult to see ahead - what do you do?

You’ve run out of Pokeballs - what do you use instead?

Pick a holiday activity!

What time do you wake up after a long day at the Pokemon Safari?

Classic Pokeball!
There’s nothing quite like the classic! Every Pokemon trainer has to start somewhere on their journey to becoming a master, so the chances are you’re going to start here! The classic Pokeball has seen it all - it might not be fancy or fast, but by gum does it get the job done! You’re a bit like this ball, reliable, hardworking and always fashionable - nice!

Great Ball!
Epic! This ball has a pretty high hit rate, and even the trickiest Pokemon have a hard time getting out of it! It’s strong, it’s a cool blue colour and just like the others, it fits neatly in the hand! What’s not to love, and just like you, this ball gets the job done! How about that?!

Safari Ball!
Awesome! This special ball is only used in the safari zone, but that’s where some of the coolest Pokemon can be found so why wouldn’t they need their own special ball?! You’re the kind of person that loves the natural world, so the Safari Ball is perfect for you! But if you’re not into this Pokeball, you can always give this quiz another try - maybe you’ll get a different result if you try again?

The Masterball!
This Pokeball changes everything! There are few Pokemon that can resist it, and it flies with an incredible speed right towards the target! It’s got a guaranteed capture rate, which makes sense, because just like you, you always get what you want! Put simply, this is the ebay ball out there, but be careful with it, there aren’t many around - so use it wisely!