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Which Raising Dion Character Are You?

Are you super hero Dion? It's time to find out in this Raising Dion character quiz! Answer a few questions and we'll tell you which one you are!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

It's time to find out which Raising Dion character you are! Take this Raising Dion quiz and we'll tell you which character on this awesome super hero show you are! Will you be Dion? Or someone else? Start the quiz and see!

1/10 Beano superhero characters on dotted background

Choose a superhero movie

2/10 Beano spider-Man hand, goblin and web on laser background

Choose a Spider-Man villain

3/10 Beano chameleon with arrow and fart cloud on spotted background

Choose a silly super-power

4/10 Beano animals on orange background

Pick an animal

5/10 Shady figure and dog in shades

Choose a fictional shady organisation

6/10 Nicole and Dion
Raising Dion | Fixed Mark Productions | Netflix

What's the hardest thing about growing up?

7/10 Raising Dion screenshot
Raising Dion | Fixed Mark Productions | Netflix

Choose a celeb

8/10 Beano joker with question marks on red background

Pick a Joker

9/10 Raising Dion screenshot
Raising Dion | Fixed Mark Productions | Netflix

What's most important?

10/10 Beano Black Panther with splat on blue background

Choose a Black Panther character

Dion result
Raising Dion | Fixed Mark Productions | Netflix


You're Dion! You're more powerful than you think! Even though life can be tough sometimes, no one should underestimate you and what you can do! You're strong, capable and you fight for what's right!

Esperanza result
Raising Dion | Fixed Mark Productions | Netflix


You're Esperanza! You're confident, outspoken and a loyal friend! You don't let your limitations stand in your way, and you can always find a way to have fun!

Nicole result
Raising Dion | Fixed Mark Productions | Netflix


You're Nicole! You're tough, resilient and you care about your loved ones more than anything! Sometimes you feel like you have to be strong for everyone else, but it's important to look after yourself too!

Mark result
Raising Dion | Fixed Mark Productions | Netflix


You're Mark! You're smart, strong and ready to defend what you love! Sometimes you can struggle to be seen by others, but you know deep down how powerful you are! You always stay loyal to your friends and family!