Unusual American Food Combinations Quiz
Americans like to eat WHAT with waffles? Take this tasty food quiz and test your knowledge of these amazing American food matchups!
Let's test your knowledge of all the weird and wonderful taste combinations that you can find in the good ol' US of A with this epic food quiz!
Warning to Europeans: this quiz may be confusing!

Which of these is a popular American food combination?

In America, people sometimes dip their French fries in milkshakes. True or False?

Which of these is a real taste combo?

Now which of these dessert combinations is real?

What does sweet potato casserole sometimes have on top of it?

Which of these combinations is NOT popular in the US?

What food can you get at county fairs?

Which breakfast food combo is a legit US favourite?

Which of these is a real American potato chip flavor?

The average American will eat 1,500 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before graduating from high school. True or false?

Eeeeek! This is unfortunately not a high score. What went wrong? Could you just not accept the weirdness of these American creations? Oh dear. Well, if you can stomach it, maybe you should have another go and see if you can score a bit higher next time. If not we have loads of other quizzes to try!

Pretty good! This is a nice score! You clearly know your stuff when it comes to weird and wonderful American flavours! You didn't quite get a high score here but never mind - have another go and see if you can beat it next time round! Good luck!

Very good work! You almost got 100%! You clearly know loads about unusual American food combos! Great! You just missed out on one or two right answers. Do you know which ones? Let's see if you can beat this score on a different food quiz!

Amazing! You got every single question right! You know the strange tastes of the USA inside out! Well done! Now that you've defeated this trivia quiz... fancy another? We have loads more where this one came from! Wahoo!