Retro USA Foods & Forgotten Flavours Quiz
Some foods fall out of fashion, that’s just life, but do you know these forgotten flavours?
We all love food, and the more flavourful the better, but tastes always change! After all, not many of us are grinding up poisonous acorns like our ancestors 6000 years ago were! But when it comes to retro foods, are you an expert? The tongue can be a time machine so let’s see what it can remember! Do you trust your taste buds to bring you quiz glory? Let’s give it a whirl!

What is this American food?

What meat is in a Hamburger?

Ambrosia was a super sweet American dessert-salad that is definitely out of fashion, but which of these is NOT an ingredient?

For many Americans, especially in the South, Biscuits and Gravy reminds them of home - but what is the biscuit bit?

‘Cool Ranch’ Doritos were invented in the 1980s - but what colour is the pack?

How are corn-dogs cooked?

Where in the USA do deep dish pizzas come from?

Americans love BBQ and some ‘go the whole hog’ - but what does this saying mean?

Name this retro snack!

What was the first flavour of Ben & Jerry's ice cream?

Oh dear! It looks like you’ve not done so well on this quiz, but that’s okay! Some of these retro foods probably belong in the past anyway! It’s alright to let things go and move on! But if you're set on getting a super high score, then why not have another try and see if you can do better? Follow your gut!

Nice! You’re not a complete flavour failure! You’ve got a pretty decent memory for all those lost foods and you’re able to show it! But there are still a few that you've missed off, maybe they simply weren’t around when you were growing up?! Never fear though, you can always have another try at this quiz and see if you can do better, but first things first, take a sip of water and clear your taste buds! You’ve got this!

Awesome! There isn’t much about these retro American foods and flavours that have passed you by! You’re pretty much an expert on pop tarts, which is no small thing and you should be proud of yourself! Now there are still a few little treats that snuck past you on your journey to true quiz glory - so if you’re not content with second best and really want to get 100% on this quiz, then you know what you need to do! Let’s jump back in!

Blam! You’ve nailed it! You’ve scored full marks on this quiz, which is really, truly impressive! There aren’t many people in the whole wide flavourful world that could do as well as you so you’ve really earned your spot at the top! There’s not a single cheese slice separating you from the quiz hall of fame! Congrats! But what next? Why not have a look at some of the other food quizzes we’ve got and see if you can spice up your winning streak with a second helping of success?! You can do it!