Pokemon Quiz: How Well Do You Know Generation VIII?
Calling all Pokemon fans! Let's see how much you know about Generation VIII!
If Sword and Shield are your favourite Pokemon games, you won't want to miss this trivia quiz! See how much you know about the games of Generation VIII, and the brand new Pokemon you'll meet in them! And did you know we have more Pokemon quizzes? It's true! See how well you know Concierge, Mystery Dungeon or the Fairy Gym in Sword and Shield!

What year did Gen VIII first appear?

What were the first games in Gen VIII?

How many Pokemon were added in Gen VIII?

What type is Grookey?

And what type is Sinistea?

How were new Pokemon introduced to Gen VIII?

Who is the Ballonlea Gym leader?

What does Rookidee evolve into?

How many forms can Alcremie have?

Which two types of Pokemon is Applin?

Oops - looks like you've got a lot to learn about Generation VIII! Don't worry, you can always come back and have another go once you've learned all about them!

Not bad at all! You know a thing or two about Generation VIII - well done! We bet you could score higher though - why not come back later and have another go?

Very good - well done! Your Pokemon knowledge is pretty impressive, and Generation VIII is one of your specialties! We bet next time you try, your score will be perfect!

An AMAZING 10 out of 10 - well done! You're a real Pokemon expert, and there's nothing you don't know about Generation VIII!