Roblox: Warrior Cat Ultimate Edition Quiz!
Get ready to face the ultimate challenge: this Roblox-themed Warrior Cats quiz!
If you liked the books, you're gonna love the game! This quiz will test your knowledge of Warrior Cat Ultimate Edition - will you be able to get a purr-fect score? Don't forget to try some of our other quizzes - why not find out which Warrior Cat you are, or see how well you know Roblox: Wild Horse Island!

True or false: it's based on a book series!

Where can you play the game?

What kind of animal do you play in the game?

What can you customise on your avatar?

What kind of cat can you not play as?

How many kinds of herbs can you get in the game?

Which of these clans doesn't appear in the game?

How many worlds are there in the game?

How do you adjust your speed in the game?

Where can you find the Mooncavern?

Oh no - looks like you've got a lot to learn about Warrior Cats! Don't worry, you can always come back and have another go!

Not bad - you know a few things about the game! Well done! We just know you can do better though - why not come back later and have another go?

Good job! You know a lot about the game, and now you have a score to prove it - well done! Next time, you're sure to get a perfect score!

A perfect score - how amazing! Well done! You're the total expert on the game, and Warrior Cats in general!