Fifa Trivia: The Fifa 19 Quiz!
Think you know everything about FIFA 19 Trivia? Take this FIFA 19 quiz and find out!
This is the Fifa quiz you are looking for! Answer these Fifa quiz questions and discover how you score in the league of Fifa trivia.
Good luck!

EA Sports
What is different about the weather in FIFA 19?

EA Sports
What's the name of Alex Hunter's professional footballer granddad?

EA Sports
FIFA 19 includes the Chinese Super League. True or false?

EA Sports
What is the only new Major League Soccer stadium featured in FIFA 19?

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FIFA 19 features Spanish legend Andrés Iniesta’s signature move. What's it called?

EA Sports
What number is FIFA 19 in the game series?

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Which player joins Cristiano Ronaldo on the Champions Edition cover of FIFA 19?

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Which game engine does FIFA 19 use?

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Which of the following does not appear as a commentator in FIFA 19?

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The Champions League returned to FIFA for the first time in over how many years?

FIFA 19 | EA Sports
Oh dear! Did you take this quiz by mistake? Why not have another go?

FIFA 19 | EA Sports
Good try! Some of these questions were pretty tricky, but you did pretty well!

FIFA 19 | EA Sports
Great stuff! You just missed out on a perfect score. Why not have another go? We believe in you!

FIFA 19 | EA Sports
Awesome! You know everything there is to know about FIFA 19. We bet you've never lost a match either!