February Quiz To Get You Ready For Spring
There's more to February than miserable weather and pancakes - test your knowledge of the second month of the year with this epic quiz!
The days are getting longer - which means only one thing. It's quiz time! And we've got a doozy lined up for you, guaranteed to test your knowledge of the second month of the year. So shake out the cobwebs and test yourself with this epic monthly quiz!

How many days are in February?

Why is there sometimes an extra day in February?

February was invented by... who?

What date is Valentines day?

Valentine's Day is named after... who?

February is... what?

The shortest day of the year is in February. True or false?

In the USA, which of these things happens in February?

Some years, Chinese New Year happens in February. Which of these facts is NOT true about Chinese New Year?

Shrove Tuesday is also called... what?

Bah! Tough luck! Turns out February is a pretty tricky month! If you want to try and score a little higher, have another go! Or let's see if you can ace a different trivia quiz, we have loads of them!

Pretty good! You definitely know a few things about February! You didn't manage to get a hgh score, but you still did well. Do you know where you went wrong? Have another go and see if you can score a little higher!

Great! This is a really nice result! You clearly know loads about February, well done! You didn't manage a perfect score but that's ok - we have lots of other quizzes for you to try next!

Amazing! This is a perfect result! You got every single question right! You're a February expert! Now, you can't beat this result - but do you think you can match it on a different quiz? We have loads more for you to try!