Organisations Logo Quiz: Can You Get Them All?
Organisations are all over the world and many of them and their logos have become household names - but can you tell which logo belongs to whom?
With so many logos out there in the world it’s amazing how recognisable they can be, but can you work out which logo you’re looking at based on these little clues? We’re sure you can get most of these, but why not test your knowledge here, with this special logo quiz - let’s get started shall we?

Guess this logo!

Guess this logo!

Guess this logo!

Guess this logo!

Guess this logo!

Guess this logo!

Guess this logo!

Guess this logo!

Guess this logo!

Guess this logo!

Oh dear… Not quite, but that’s no bad thing, these organisations are everywhere and always try to show off their logos to us, it says something good about you that their adverts have failed to capture you! Maybe they should have a rebrand?

Not bad! You’ve definitely got a good basic knowledge of the logos of the world, but there is still room for improvement, so why not have another go and see if you can score higher? After all, practice makes perfect! Let’s go!

Alright! Now we’re really talking! You’ve got a great knowledge of the brands and logos of organisations from around the world, and that’s very impressive. You got so close to getting full marks we think it’s probably worth having another go to see if you can get 100%!

Wow! Very impressive! You’ve got an incredible knowledge of the brands and logos of the world, if they were all lined up you’d be able to pick them out no problem! You could probably do it blindfolded too, well maybe?! But now you’ve reached the dizzy heights of logo identification, why not try out some of the other quizzes on the site?