Do You Know These Bands From Their Logos Quiz?
Can you match the band or artist to their logos? It's harder than it looks! See how you do with this tricky picture quiz!
Bands. There are loads of them. Some like to use a weird squiggle as their logo, others literally just write their name out in capitals. Can you work out who's is who's?
For more great music trivia like this, test yourself with this epic NCT trivia quiz, check out these top music facts, or see if we can guess your music taste from these questions!
Ok, so without further ado... let's guess these logos!
Ok here we go! This first one we've blurred out to make it a bit harder. Click to reveal!
Olivia Rodrigo
And this one?
Billie Eilish
Interesting. Who could this be?
And who is this? To make it harder, we've hidden the 2nd half of it. Sorry!
Taylor Swift
And this one we've flipped upside down! Who could it be?
Little Mix
Any guesses?
NCT 127
Here's another tricky one. In fact, we made it even trickier by hiding the top half!
And this one? We've zoomed it in too far, but the colours are a hint.
Ed Sheeran
How's about this one?
Last one! Any guesses?
Ooof! Sorry! Have another go?
Pretty good! You can do better though - try another music quiz!
Good job! You know loads of bands! Can you beat this score on another quiz?
NIIIIIIIIIIIICE! High score! You really know your stuff!