Ultimate Valentine’s Day Trivia Questions!
How much do you know about the most romantic day of the year? Take the quiz and test your Valentine's Day trivia!
Good luck!!
On February 14 – every year – it's Valentine's Day! It's a special day of the year to send your loved one a card, a bunch of flowers, a homemade gift or simply spend some time with them. The day is named after St Valentine, a Christian martyr, who lived in the 3rd century and this day is linked with romantic gestures and mystery cards!
But how much do you know about the most romantic day of the year? Take this awesome quiz and our Beano megacomputer will crunch the data into a score, just for you.
Once you've done that, why not take our Valentine's Day true or false quiz, laugh your socks off at our Valentine's Day jokes or even try out our Which Valentine's Day Gift Should You Give? personality quiz?
Good luck!

In which country do people give each other fancy wooden spoons as a token of love?

Which US state grows the most roses?

On a text, you might see an XO at the end. What does that mean?

Who wrote the song 'I Will Always Love You'?

There was a Pope called Valentine who held the position for 40 days. True or false?

The phrase “to wear your heart on your sleeve" is linked to which Roman goddess?

In which year did Hallmark begin selling Valentine’s Day cards?

On average, how many people get married in the UK each year?

Which city is known for Elvis lookalikes and drive-through wedding chapels?

What was the oldest known love poem written on?

King Henry VIII banned people from even mentioning Valentine's Day on February 14. Now, is that true or false?

What chemical in your brain gives you love-like feelings?

Which king started the trend of sending flowers?

What percentage of flower sales are made for Valentine’s Day?

In a survey, what percentage of people in the UK said they were engaged on Valentine’s Day?

Valentine’s Day is a busy day for restaurants. But which day is busier?

In the 1700s, what did women in England place on their pillows in order to dream of their future husband?

Who was Shakespeare referring to when he wrote of “star crossed lovers”?

Where was the first Valentine’s Day card written?

According to Roman mythology, who does Cupid fall in love with?

Here's an easy one! On what day does Valentine’s fall?

Who in 1861 created the world's first heart shaped chocolate box?

In the Victorian era, mean-spirited Valentines cards were called 'Vinegar Valentines' - True or false?

As well as love (obvs), what occupation is Saint Valentine also a patron saint of?

What hugely popular website debuted on Valentine’s Day in 2005?

Approximately how many Valentine's Day cards are given out in the USA ever year?

Venus was the goddess of love and beauty. What was her son called?

What was Venus' favourite flower?

According to a survey, how much did Americans spend on Valentine's Day in 2017?

What percentage of roses purchased on Valentine's Day are red?

Teachers receive the most Valentine’s Day cards. True or false?

Finland call Valentine's Day Ystävänpäivä. What does that mean?

Who thought it would be bad luck to sign a Valentine's Day card?

What percentage of people give their pets a gift on Valentine's Day?

How many Valentine Cards are sent each year around the world?

Oh no! Better luck next year!

Good work! Why not have another go? You might get a bigger score!

Great stuff!

Legend! You're a true Valentine's Day expert!