What Sport Are You Meant For?
Find out what sport you are in our What Sport Are You Quiz
There are thousands of fantastic sports to play in the world but for the purposes of this quiz we've narrowed them down to four (one of them not rooted in reality)! From Football, Rugby to Taekwondo, everyone can find the sport they're meant for! If you like this quiz, take our What Is Your Favourite Sport Quiz.

You're under pressure in an exam. How are you feeling?

Favourite food?

What's your sporty speciality?
4/10 Pick a pattern or fabric...

Favourite place to go on holiday

What's the most important thing to you (after winning of course)?

What's your bedroom like?

Favourite film franchise?
9/10 Favourite animal

Picking up a ball is...

You are best suited for Football (or soccer, depending on where you're from)
Quick thinking and always ready for a tough challenge, you're most suited to soccer. The world's most popular game.

You're a Quidditch Wizard
Lost in your own imagination, you're probably best suited to Quidditch. A fanciful game played by wizards and serious Harry Potter heads.

You're perfect for Croquet
Sophisticated and calm. Nothing phases you which makes you perfect for this lawn based sport (or activity to be precise)

You're Rugby, plain and simple!
Brave and strong, nothing makes you happier than getting covered in mud (except maybe, grinding the opposition into the dirt)