How Much Do You Know About U.S. State Symbols?
Does California have an official manatee? Take this tricky trivia quiz and test your knowledge of the USA’s wildest state symbols!
There’s no shortage of US state symbols! Every state (and there are a few) has it’s very own official foods, drinks, animals, plants, traditions and more. Some of them are pretty surprising, too! So how much do you really know about the symbols of different US states? Take this quiz and find out!

Which state’s official state amphibian is the snot otter, also known as the eastern hellbender?

What’s the official state fruit of Florida?

What’s the official state instrument of Texas?

Which state’s official state snack is… Jell-o?

Hawaii has an official state bacteria. True or false?

What bug is the state insect of Massachusetts?

Manatees are an official state mammal of which state?

What is Colorado’s state dinosaur?

US states even have official… what?

Most US states share the same dance as their official state dance. What is it?

Oh no! This is not your best work. Do you know where you went wrong? You should have another go and see if you can score a bit higher next time! Don’t worry - this was a tough quiz!

Pretty good! This is a decent score. You clearly know a few things about the USA’s state symbols! You didn’t quite get a high score - but that’s ok. Have another go and see if you can beat this result next time?

Great work! This is an amazing score! Well done! You almost got 10/10! Fantastic! You know loads about the state symbols of the USA! Let’s move on to the next quiz - do you think you can beat this result on the next one?

WOW! Full marks! High score! You got every single question right! You’re a state symbols expert! Nothing gets past you! You can’t beat this perfect score - but do you think you can match it on a different quiz?