What Back To School Superhero Are You?
Once you walk back into school, which superhero qualities do you possess? Take this blam quiz and find out now!

You've overslept. What do you do?

When you don't sleep in, what are you like first thing on a school morning?

How smartly do you dress for school?

What's your favourite lesson?

The teacher has asked the class to hand in their homework. You've forgotten yours. How do you get out of this?

How do you spend your break time?

@originals | Giphy
The teacher has announced it's time to do a surprise quiz. How do you approach this challenge?

The bell rings for lunch. How long does it take you to get to the front of the queue?

It's your turn to clear your table's trays and plates. How many trips does it take?

What are you like in P.E.?

How quickly do you do your homework?

The Flash | CW
How long does it take you to get home from school?

You have: SUPER SPEED!
You're like the Flash and can run faster than anything – even Usain Bolt sitting on a cheetah. You're never late, even if you should be, really.

You could probably lift the entire school up if you wanted, but you don't because that would inconvenience everyone. But you are very strong like the Hulk.

You're always on time and have never been late for anything. Your watch is your superpower!

You have: TELEPATHY!
You can read people's minds which can make for some great conversations! It also helps with predicting what the teacher is going to say at any moment...