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Which TikTok Influencer Are You?

Are you more like Holly H or Jacob Sartorius? Take the quiz and find out!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated September 3rd 2024

Let's find out!


What kind of stuff do you like to do with your friends?


Pick a piece of clothing!


What type of pizza do you pick at a buffet?

Brainchild | Atomic Entertainment | Netflix

What are you most likely to watch on Netflix?


What's your favourite dance style? 

Epic Games

Which Fortnite emote do you identify with most?


What's your favourite subject at school?

Adventure Time | Cartoon Network | Giphy

Which Adventure Time character would you be BFF with?


What's the ultimate sandwich filling?

@brendanconroy | Giphy

What's your favourite way to waste time?

@jiffpom | TikTok

You are: Jiffpom!

You're the most popular pet on TikTok and friends with Katy Perry! 

@hollyh | TikTok

You are: Holly H!

You were famous for your Vine videos and you're a legend of TikTok!

@charlidamelio | TikTok

You are: Charli D'Amelio!

You dance moves have earned you over 40 million followers on TikTok, which is quite good if you think about it.

@jacobsartorius | TikTok

You are: Jacob Sartorius!

Even though your first name is really Rolf, you're a all-singing all TikTok-ing star with over 22 million followers!