Back to School Quiz: Ms Cupcake’s English Test
She might be your favourite teacher - but can you pass her English test? Take this tricky back to school quiz to find out!
Hello my lovelies. I hope you all had a wonderful summer filled with butterflies and cow pats and mother's best rhubarb crumble. So today we have an exam - *ahem* I mean, erm - a fun quiz. Yes that's it. Good luck everybody!

What is a colon?

Which one of these WASN'T written by Shakespeare?

What is a semi-colon?

A palindrome is a word or sentence that reads the same forwards and backwards. Which of these are palindromes?

“I am” is the shortest complete sentence in the English language. True or false?

Does anything rhyme with "purple"?

What's interesting about the word "underground"?

What's a vowel?

What's Oliver Twist?

45% of English words come from French. True or false?

Oh dearie me. Someone was a bit lazy over the summer, weren't they? Sigh...at least you tried...If you want more cool Stevie Knows lols, check out Beano's Back to School stuff here!

Not a great start to the year, but it'll do. Give yourself a pat on the back.If you want more cool Stevie Knows lols, check out Beano's Back to School stuff here!

Well done! I am ever so pleased! If you want more cool Stevie Knows lols, check out Beano's Back to School stuff here!

Bravo! See, Mr Lock might think you're an idiot - but I don't!If you want more cool Stevie Knows lols, check out Beano's Back to School stuff here!