Which US Invention Matches Your Personality?
Take this quiz and let’s find out which world-changing American invention is the best match for your personality!
Them Americans are a smart bunch! Over the years that the US of A has been top dog, a steady stream of cool stuff has been invented. Some of these things have made the world safer, richer, more fashionable - and others have maybe been a bit less useful. But take this quiz and we’ll find out which one is the best fit for your personality!

What’s more important?

Pick a colour:

Pick a state:

Choose an American animal:

Which of these things is more American?

Pick an inventor:

What are you doing on Thanksgiving?

Pick an American icon:

Which of these American inventions is the silliest?

Now choose some American music!

You’re the lightbulb!
Thomas Edison’s light bulb totally changed the way humans live, work, and have fun by providing reliable light any time of day! Just like the lightbulb you love bringing things out of the dark and learning new things. You also hate creeping about in the dark and stubbing your toes on things! Fair enough. Rather find a different US invention? Have another go at this quiz and let’s find out which is a better match!

You’re the aeroplane!
The world’s first flying machine was built by the Wright Brothers in 1903 and totally changed the world! Planes allowed us to travel the world in a fraction of the time, and made long-distance travel much easier! Not sure this is the best match for your personality? No problem - try this quiz again and we’ll see what you get next time!

You’re jeans!
Originally designed as workwear for miners, the original jeans made by Levi-Strauss in 1873 are now a fashion staple! Like jeans you’re tough - but also very stylish. Is this the right fit? If not, let's have another go and see what you get next time!

You’re the polaroid camera!
Designed by Edwin Land in 1948, the polaroid camera let people take snaps of things way before phones! It helped keep memories and preserve important moments in history! It’s the best match for your personality because who doesn’t like taking selfies? Rather try a different invention? Have another go at this quiz and see what you get next time!